Author Archives: matthew.tyner

holiday guests | Keith Air Conditioning

Getting Your House Ready for Holiday Guests

holiday guests

The holiday season is likely to bring an ongoing stream of guests to your Spanish Fort, Alabama, home. Planning parties, preparing large meals and catering to the various needs of your visitors, can make this a stressful time. Make sure you’re prepared for your holiday guests with these handy seasonal tips.

Offer Easy Information and Entertainment

Stop by your local visitor’s center or even a nearby rest stop for maps and brochures for popular local attractions and information about upcoming events. Tuck these together in a little welcome folder, so guests have instant access to useful information. Keep a few magazines, books, movies, and crossword or Sudoku puzzles handy as well, so guests have enough to keep them occupied — especially when you are busy.

Freshen the Air

During the holidays, you typically have a lot of people and activity in and around your home. You may pull dusty decorations out of storage or buy new furniture. These activities can generate a lot of dirt, dust, debris and chemical odors. Make sure your indoor air stays clean and fresh, and watch out for musty odors. An annual tune-up will help to ensure that your HVAC system is up to the challenge this season. Making monthly filter changes on your own will further improve its operation.

Collect Essentials for Overnight Guests

Put together a basket for overnight guests and keep it on hand, so you are prepared to meet their needs. This should include guest towels, some travel size toiletries, and essentials like toothbrushes and disposable razors. Keep spare pillows and clean sheets stocked in a closet. With these essentials on hand, you’re always ready for guests, including the unexpected drop-in.

If your home comfort systems aren’t working properly or need a timely tuneup, contact Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. at 251-476-3610. We can help you to get your HVAC system in top shape so you’re prepared to keep everyone comfortable — from your own family to the friends and distant relatives dropping by.

eco-friendly holiday | Keith Air Conditioning

How to Plan an Eco-Friendly Holiday

During the holiday season, retailers work hard to tempt you into consuming more, but this can put a significant strain on the environment. Go green with eco-friendly holiday choices and turn your Mobile, Alabama, home into a peaceful and conservation-friendly haven this season.

Purchase Sustainable Gifts

Look for holiday gifts that are easier on the environment, like organic cotton linens, bamboo tableware, or repurposed products. Items made by local craftspeople have a smaller carbon footprint because of the elimination of shipping and the need for less packaging. Consider recycled paper or seed paper for holiday cards and stationery, and use recycled wrapping paper to dress things up.

Put Lights on a Timer

Set your holiday decorations on a timer so that you don’t waste electricity lighting the house during daylight hours. While a glowing tree is charming in the evening, make sure you turn it off before you go to bed to avoid wasting energy all night. A preset timer makes it easier to minimize energy usage by automating these adjustments.

Turn Back the Thermostat

As the temperatures drop, it’s tempting to turn the heat on high. Set the thermostat back as much as you comfortably can to minimize your energy use as well as your utility bills this season. Small and inexpensive moves can go a long way toward keeping you comfortable. Switch to flannel sheets and heavier pajamas as well, so you can keep the thermostat lower at night without disrupting anyone’s comfort.

Enjoy Gift-Free Fun

Step back from some of the consumerism of the holiday and enjoy activities that don’t require any additional resources. Instead of hosting gift parties, gather friends for games or carols. Make natural pine cone ornaments instead of plastic ones. Buy less and do more with what you have.

If you’re overdue for your annual maintenance visit, your HVAC system isn’t as eco-friendly as it could be this season. Book your appointment with Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. today by calling 251-476-3610.

Furnace or heat pump? | Keith Air Conditioning

How a New Furnace or Heat Pump Can Impact Your Budget

Furnace or heat pump

If you’re on the fence about a new furnace or heat pump for your Daphne, Alabama, home, you might not have considered the long-term financial advantages. Not only will a new furnace or heat pump offer longevity and increased performance, but they can also have a positive impact on your budget.

Enjoy Higher Energy Ratings

The government has tightened regulations on furnaces and heat pumps, increasing the minimum seasonal energy efficiency ratio, or SEER, and the energy efficiency ratio, or EER. These numbers represent the energy efficiency of the unit, and higher numbers equal more savings.

If you invest in a new furnace or heat pump, you’ll likely get a better rating. Older furnaces and heat pumps didn’t have to follow such stringent guidelines, so they consume more energy when used in the same way. Upgrading your system now will allow you to start realizing savings immediately.

Benefit From a New Warranty

When you have an older furnace or heat pump and haven’t extended your warranty, you will face higher expenses for repairs or replacement of parts. These higher payments and inefficient system performance make an upgrade a worthwhile investment. A new model comes with a convenient manufacturer’s warranty. We’ll repair or replace covered parts free of charge.

You can also save money if you add a maintenance plan to your new heat pump or furnace. We’ll visit your home twice a year to inspect the unit and recommend any necessary service. A well-maintained HVAC system will last longer and perform more efficiently, which translates to additional financial benefits.

Improve Resale Value

If you decide to sell your home, your new HVAC units become a selling point. Since they offer greater efficiency levels, this provides a greater incentive to make that purchase for future savings. This means more money in your pocket when you sell. You might also consider replacing your air conditioner at the same time.

Are you ready to reap the financial rewards of a new furnace or heat pump? Call Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. today at 251-476-3610 to learn about our latest specials.

zoning technology | Keith Air Conditioning

Take Advantage of Zoning Technology in Your Home

zoning technology

Zoned systems give you maximum control in your Foley, Alabama, home. Regardless of your home’s size, you can benefit from multi-zone technology because you can control different parts of your house separately. Not only will your rooms be more comfortable, but zoning technology will enable you to reduce your energy consumption.

Why Are Zoned Systems Effective?

Think about how you use your home. Do you spend more time in the kitchen than in the spare bedroom? That’s what makes zoned systems so effective. You can separate little-used rooms from the areas of your home in which you spend the most time. You don’t have to heat or cool areas that you rarely enter, so your overall energy consumption declines.

Additionally, zoned systems can benefit you financially and practically if you decide to upgrade and add new rooms to your home, convert your garage into living space, or finish your attic. An Infinity Residential Ductless Multi-Zone heat pump system, for instance, is particularly convenient because you don’t have to add ductwork.

How Do Zoned Systems Work?

When we install a zoned system in your house, you’ll get a thermostat for each zone. You can adjust the temperatures to suit your specific needs, and then change them when circumstances demand it. For instance, if your guest bedrooms sit in a different zone than the rest of your house, you can increase the temperature when you have guests for the holidays.

Ductless zoned systems don’t rely on ductwork at all, which can save space in a small home. These small HVAC systems deliver conditioned air to specific areas of the home, and you can control the temperature with an independent thermostat. Many homeowners choose ductless zoned systems because of their convenience. We can retrofit an older home with this type of system or install it in new construction, depending on your needs.

If you’re in the market for a new HVAC system, consider taking advantage of zoning technology. Call Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. at 251-476-3610 to schedule a consultation.

allergy symptoms caused by pets | Keith Air Conditioning

Controlling Allergy Symptoms Caused by Pets

Many people are allergic to pet dander, which consists of tiny flecks of skin that cats, dogs, rodents, and birds lose along with their fur or feathers. The most common symptoms are sneezing, watery eyes, rashes, and trouble breathing. Even if you don’t have pets, you could be allergic to pet dander that clings to furniture, carpets, and clothes of those with pets. You can control allergy symptoms caused by pets by cleaning regularly, using an air purifier, keeping pets away from your bedroom, and maintaining the HVAC system in your Foley, Alabama, home.

Clean Regularly

Even if you’re not allergic to pet dander, pets that go outside can bring pollen, mold, dust, dirt, and other allergens into your home. You can reduce pet dander and other contaminants by cleaning regularly. Dust twice per week with a damp cloth and remember to clean hard surfaces like walls. Have your carpets steam-cleaned often and vacuum every day. You should also wash blankets and pets’ toys often and clean your clean air registers and ceiling fans.

You can make sure your ductwork is clean by removing an air register and checking for dust, dirt, cobwebs, mold, or insect droppings. If you see any of these, have your ducts cleaned by a professional to keep pet dander from spreading through your home as well. If you have cats or dogs, brush them outside every day and bathe them once per week. If several of your family members have allergies, take pets to a professional groomer instead. You should also wash your hands and change your clothes after playing with pets if you have allergies.

Use an Air Purifier

An air purifier can supplement the air filter in your HVAC system and make your indoor air healthier. You can use a less-expensive portable unit in the rooms where your pets spend the most time or have a whole-house system installed by a professional. Air purifiers with higher MERVs (minimum efficiency reporting values) have better filters, and some can even remove viruses and bacteria.

Keep Pets Away from Your Bedroom

Don’t let pets sit on carpeting or furniture, and keep them away from your bedroom. Dander and pet hair can become easily embedded in your carpet and bedding. Apart from aggravating respiratory problems in general, this can also make it difficult for you to get a good night’s sleep.

You should definitely not allow pets in your bed. Instead, buy a bed for your cat or dog and wash it every week. Keep your bedroom door closed at all times.

Maintain Your HVAC System

You should change your air filters at least once per month to improve your indoor air quality and reduce the amount of pet dander in your home. A dirty filter can spread contaminants through your home instead of removing them, and it could increase your utility bills and shorten your system’s life. When you change your air filter, wear a mask and gloves, and seal the old filter in a plastic bag to protect yourself from allergens.

Simple tasks like these are your responsibility, but professional service is needed for more in-depth and effective solutions. Have your HVAC system maintained by a professional twice per year to prevent problems or breakdowns that could harm your air quality and make your allergies worse. Annual inspections are an effective way to identify and fix problems like leaky ductwork.

Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. is a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer with more than 50 years of experience. We can help you to install, maintain, and repair a range of HVAC equipment to control allergy symptoms caused by pets. If you have any questions, call us anytime at 251-476-3610 for expert service. We provide experienced indoor air quality services to improve comfort and air conditioning performance throughout the year.

efficient HVAC systems | Keith Air Conditioning

3 Efficient HVAC Systems

efficient HVAC systems

A newer, more efficient heating and air conditioning system will lower the utility bills for your Fairhope, Alabama, home and help the environment. Replacing a system that’s more than 10 years old will also prevent expensive, uncomfortable breakdowns. Some of the most efficient types of HVAC systems that will make a great difference in comfort and savings include geothermal, ductless, and packaged units.

Geothermal Systems

Geothermal heat pumps use the constant temperatures below the ground to heat and cool your home. They transfer heat inside during cold weather and outside when it’s warmer using underground pipes filled with water or refrigerant. Geothermal HVAC systems use less energy than standard furnaces because they move heat rather than produce it. Many geothermal systems such as the ComfortTM Geothermal Heat Pump GB also work as efficient water heaters.

Ductless Heating and Cooling

Ductless or mini-split HVAC systems have one or more indoor units that hang on walls or ceilings, connected to an outdoor condenser or compressor by a narrow conduit. Ductless systems are more efficient than standard systems because they don’t have to move air through ducts. These HVAC systems often have a thermostat for each indoor unit so you can adjust the temperatures in different areas independently and avoid conditioning empty rooms. Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. offers efficient models such as the ultra-quiet Infinity Residential Ductless Multi-Zone Heat Pump System 38GJQ/40GJ that can effectively serve your heating and cooling needs.

Packaged HVAC Systems

Packaged HVAC systems come from the factory assembled in a compact casing, so installation is faster and easier. They come in several sizes, and you can use more than one unit to control separate zones, similar to a ductless system with zoning. You can choose a wall-mounted, window, or rooftop unit that’s more efficient than a conventional system with indoor and outdoor components. The Performance™ 14 Packaged Air Conditioner System 50VL-A is just one of many units that might fit your budget and your home’s unique HVAC needs.

Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. can help you decide which type of HVAC system would be best for you and your family. We can install, maintain, and repair a range of heating and air conditioning systems and equipment. Call us anytime at 251-476-3610 for expert service.

home office comfort | Keith Air Conditioning

3 Ways to Make Your Home Office More Comfortable

Woman at Office

With a home office in Mobile, Alabama, you can tailor your workspace to maximize your productivity. Allergies, asthma, or irritated sinuses make it difficult to concentrate, and poor indoor air quality can make these problems worse. Bad air can also cause headaches and fatigue. To make your home office more comfortable and get more work done, add plants, clean your home often, and maintain your HVAC system.

Add Plants

Indoor plants can make your home office look more welcoming, lower stress, and improve your indoor air quality. Many plants can absorb harmful pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde. However, you shouldn’t keep more than a few plants in one room. Too many plants can increase your humidity and make your home office feel warm and stuffy.

Clean Often

You should clean your home often to promote high indoor air quality. A clean, organized home office also helps you to focus on your work. Clean your air registers with a damp cloth and wash your kitchen or bathroom exhaust fans every three months. Just turn off the power, remove the covers from the fans, and clean them with soap and water. You can reduce household dust and dust mites by dusting and vacuuming regularly.

Maintain Your HVAC System

To prevent an inconvenient breakdown that could keep you from getting your work done, have your HVAC system inspected by a professional twice per year. Regular maintenance also keeps your heater and air conditioner running efficiently and prevents uncomfortable warm spots or drafts. Change your HVAC system’s air filter as required to make sure your indoor air quality stays at a high level and to help you save energy. Dirty filters can’t remove allergens, and they can spread dust, dirt, mold, and other contaminants through your ductwork and the rest of your home.

Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. has more than 50 years of experience. We can install, maintain, and repair a variety of heating and air conditioning equipment to make your home office and all the other rooms in your home more comfortable. Call us anytime at 251-476-3610 for reliable and expert service.

Top 3 Ways to Ensure Even Cooling in Your Home

Happy Family

It’s hot enough outside in Mobile, Alabama; you don’t want to worry about warm spots throughout your home as well. If you have the air conditioner running, but you still feel warm spots and have difficulty achieving even cooling, these three culprits may be to blame.

Air Conditioner Needs to Be Replaced

When you’re experiencing uneven cooling, replacing your air conditioner is the worst case scenario and the most costly fix. If your HVAC is the wrong size for your home, it can cause uneven cooling. Luckily, an experienced professional can tell you if the system is the right size for your home. If your system is aging, then sometimes you’ll experience uneven cooling. A new air conditioner is a big investment, but if it’s about time for a replacement or if your current system is the wrong size, you’ll save money by replacing it sooner rather than later.

Blocked Air Vents

If your air vents are blocked, you might feel uneven cooling or hot spots throughout your home during the warmer months. Sometimes people close off vents to try to focus cold air in specific rooms. Your HVAC systems won’t work effectively, and you may cause damage to your system and uneven cooling throughout the house. Make sure all your vents are open, and no vents are blocked by furniture or covered by carpet or wallpaper.

Lack of Insulation

Most people equate insulation with winter and keeping their house warm; however, insulation is just as necessary in the summer to keep the home cool. If your home is not properly insulated, you will not be able to control heat transfer, leading to hot spots in the summer and cold spots during the winter months. If you feel warm spots throughout your home, have a contractor check the insulation. It is an investment that will help keep your home comfortable and lower your utility bills throughout the year.

If you’re having issues with uneven cooling, Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. is here to help. Give us a call at 251-476-3610 to speak to an experienced professional today.

indoor allergens | Keith Air Conditioning

3 Common Indoor Allergens

indoor allergens

Indoor allergens can cause coughing, sneezing, nosebleeds, watery or itchy eyes, headaches, asthma attacks, skin irritation, and other problems. If you have flu-like symptoms that seem to be always present, you probably have allergies instead of a cold or flu. Some of the most common indoor allergens in your Mobile, Alabama, home are pests, molds, and pet dander.


Many household pests including dust mites, cockroaches, and mice cause allergies. Dust mites can easily become a problem in your home. They eat the organic matter like pieces of human skin that help to make up dust particles. Dust and vacuum often and keep the humidity in your home low to avoid them. You should also make it a point of duty to change your HVAC system’s air filter once per month. The droppings and other waste from cockroaches and mice can cause allergies and even serious illness. Keep your kitchen clean and take out your trash regularly, so you don’t attract pests.


Some types of mold make mycotoxins that can cause allergy symptoms. Mold thrives in our humid weather, and mold spores cause hay fever, also called allergic rhinitis. Mold can grow on insulation, behind walls, in carpeting, and even inside your ductwork. To prevent mold growth and make your home more comfortable, use a dehumidifier. You should also open your air registers and check your ductwork at least once per year. If you see mold, pest droppings, or a large amount of dust, have it cleaned by a professional.

Pet Dander

Dogs and cats shed small pieces of skin called dander which clings to carpets, furniture, and pet owners’ clothing. You could be exposed even if you don’t have pets if you spend a lot of time around cat or dog owners. Use an air purifier to remove pet dander from your home, and if you have pets, bathe them regularly.

Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. is a family-owned company with over 50 years of experience. We can help you improve your indoor air quality with a variety of HVAC equipment and services. Call us at 251-476-3610 to learn more about how we can serve you.

reduce allergies | Keith Air Conditioning

6 Home Maintenance Tasks That Help to Reduce Allergies

When you suffer from allergies, you’re always looking for ways to reduce your symptoms and live a symptom-free life. While the outdoors might seem like the enemy, thanks to its abundance of pollen and other allergens, your Foley, Alabama, home can also present a threat. Use these six home maintenance tasks to get your allergies under control and turn your home into an allergen-free zone.

Rip Out the Carpet

Carpet and rugs trap allergens, which means you’re exposed every time you walk across your living room. It’s also a haven for dust and dust mites as well as dirt and debris. To reduce allergy symptoms, consider ripping out the carpet and replacing it with different material. You have several options from which to choose, depending on your style preferences.

Some homeowners prefer hardwood floors, although you can save money by installing laminate floors that look like real wood. Consider tile if you’re looking for an easy-clean surface that keeps the floors cool during the hot Alabama summers.

Install an Air Purifier

An air purifier or cleaner can neutralize allergens before they have a chance to wreak havoc on your respiratory system. They come in many different models to suit your home’s size and your preferences. Most air cleaners use electrical charges to kill pathogens and other allergens that might irritate your nasal passages.

We would be happy to help you to choose an air purifier for your home and then install it. Don’t attempt to install one on your own because you might injure yourself, damage the appliance, and void the warranty. Our expert technicians have installed many of these devices, so they are your best bet for a hassle-free installation.

Clean More Often

As much as you might hate cleaning or might not have the time for regular or thorough cleaning, these chores are necessary if you suffer from allergies. If you currently clean your home once a week, consider cleaning twice a week to ensure that dust doesn’t get a chance to build up on furniture and other surfaces. Use natural products when possible to avoid exposing yourself to allergy-inducing chemicals.

Change Your Bedding Regularly

Indoor air quality, or IAQ, can affect allergy sufferers. One way to boost your IAQ is to change your bedding frequently. Dust can easily become embedded in your pillow, sheets, and blankets. Launder these items regularly to control household dust accumulation.

You can also put a protective cover over your mattress to protect it against dust mite infestation, especially if you know you are allergic to the mites. Clean around your bed as well, to prevent dust from settling on other surfaces, and change your pillow as recommended to reduce allergy symptoms.

Replace Your Air Filter More Often

Your HVAC system relies on the air filter to trap particles that shouldn’t cycle through the system. While the manufacturer’s instructions on your air filter might recommend replacements every three to five months, consider replacing it more often if you suffer from allergies. If the filter gets clogged, it can prevent your air conditioner or furnace from doing its job, which means worsened IAQ.

Switch From Curtains to Blinds

Curtains look great when they hang in front of your windows, but they accumulate dust easily and require more effort to keep clean. Blinds prove easier to keep clean because you can simply wipe them down once or twice a week to keep them dust-free. Plus, they give you more control over the amount of sunlight you let into your home.

Shades can offer another easy-care solution. Bamboo shades, for instance, are good for the environment and even easier to clean than window blinds.

Keeping your home free of allergens can help you live a more comfortable life. For more guidance on indoor air quality matters, call Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. at 251-476-3610.