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setting your thermostat | Keith Air Conditioning

Avoid These Mistakes When Setting Your Thermostat

A programmable thermostat is a great energy-saving installation that will streamline the way you manage comfort levels in your Alabama home. For this smart solution to be effective, you must program it correctly. Get the most from your thermostat this summer by avoiding common programming mistakes.

Extreme Thermostat Settings

Setting a dramatically temperature low will not help it cool the house faster. Your home cools at a gradual rate until it reaches the desired temperature. One of the advantages of this programmable device is that it allows you to set temperatures based on your activities. The U.S. Department of Energy recommends optimal temperatures for air conditioner efficiency for when you wake up, when you are away from home, and when you are sleeping.

Using the Temperature Override

A temporary override by simply pressing the arrows on the thermostat will let you adjust your temperature settings to briefly depart from the programmed setting. When you choose to override the settings, you will not alter the programmed settings on the unit, and it will eventually return to its previously programmed setting. Using the override on a regular basis will affect the system’s efficiency and nullify the programmable thermostat’s energy-saving advantage. It is better to leave your thermostat at the optimal set points for at least eight hours at a time.

Timely Settings

When you program temperatures based on your daily and weekly schedules, give it enough time to adjust. For example, set the thermostat to begin adjusting so your home will be comfortable when you arrive. If you go to bed at 8 p.m. and want the home cooled to a specific temperature by then, set temperatures to begin adjusting approximately one hour before. The only exception to this rule is an adaptive thermostat which has sensors, and adapts to start changing the temperature if you return home early, for example. Another option is a WiFi model, which allows you to make adjustments remotely.

Interested in programmable thermostats? Contact Keith Air Conditioning, Inc. at 251-476-3610 for more information. The right team and the right solutions will make the difference in your home comfort this summer.