Heating and Air Preventative Maintenance Lessons

HVAC school is in session

HVAC systems are essential to keep you cool during sweltering hot months throughout Alabama. While the systems can seem expensive, they’ve become commonplace in American households. In fact, nearly 90% of new homes are built with central heating and air nationwide.

Think you got what it takes to pass a heating and air studies class? Start taking notes! We’re going to give you a crash course on preventative maintenance.

Heating and Air Strategies to Start Today

  • Purchase the Right Filters. First thing you should know to replace your furnace filter regularly, depending on the type of filter you use. Each product is rated according to an industry scale known as the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating.

    These range from 1-16 based on the level of microscopic particles the filter will block. Typically, MERV 8 is standard on most residential furnace filters. This grade normally lasts three months.

    Be advised, use a stronger grade or replace it sooner if you smoke, have a large family or pets. Those with allergies, asthma or other illnesses benefit from regular filter changes too.
  • Control the Thermostat. After your furnace, the thermostat is the next most important piece of equipment. Keep it at a consistent and comfortable level. Keep in mind, the lower the temperature, the more work coils do to cool the air.

    This translates into a higher electric bill at the end of the month. If you decided to lower the temperature, try to do a degree at a time. Drastically lowering the thermostat by many degrees at once will not make it cool any faster. It just wastes energy.
  • Digital Heating and Air Tools. To make the most of temperature control, invest in a digital thermostat. You can program it to automatically adjust the temperature at certain times of the day. Some are Wi-Fi-enabled. This allows you to adjust it remotely using a smartphone app.

Is Your Heating and Air System Ready for an Update?

Your heating and air quality is only as good as the equipment. After numerous repairs and part replacements, wear and tear may be too much. Units older than 10 years typically are less efficient as well. Contact Keith Air Conditioning today to schedule an inspection and get an estimate on an energy-efficient model.

Your local trusted HVAC contractor is happy to educate you on the science of heating and air systems. Reading how components operate will help you better understand how to lower your energy bill. If you’ve tried all these steps and still encounter issues, contact Keith Air Conditioning to schedule an appointment with one of our HVAC experts.

Contact Keith Air Conditioning today.